Empower Your Journey With Bec

Healing for Your Physical and Emotional Wellbeing: Expert in Neuro-Linguistic Kinesiology, Psychic Counseling, Bio-Resonance Therapy, Stress Healing, Frequency Healing, and Energy Healing.

Welcome to My Healing Space

Experience decades of passion and expertise in physical and emotional health and well-being with a transformative journey for you. I'm Bec McQuilty, a dedicated practitioner who guides thousands of women and their families toward healing and empowerment. Specializing in Holistic Healing, Emotional Well-being, Neuro-Linguistic Kinesiology, Psychic Counseling, Coaching, and Bio-Resonance Therapy, I blend science and intuition uniquely. As a Stress Healer, Frequency Healer, and Energy Healer, I support your journey to a balanced and empowered life. It’s time to bring fun, joy, peace, and calm back into your life!



Experience positivity and harmony as I clear negative energy from homes and businesses

Harness the power of bio-resonance to restore your energy equilibrium

Guided by divine insight, find emotional clarity and embrace true joy through transformative sessions


Over the years, my connection with guidance and intuition has deepened, becoming an integral part of the healing work I offer. Whether you're grappling with burnout, struggling to find balance in your physical and emotional realms, or feeling stuck with challenges that seem insurmountable, I'm here to walk alongside you. Through personalised one-on-one sessions, my mission is to create a sacred space that nurtures your journey toward a life brimming with happiness, robust health, and profound fulfillment.

Science-Backed Bio-Resonance: Energise Your Wellbeing

If you find yourself battling stress, fatigue, or a sense of imbalance, our Bio-Resonance Services offer a path to revitalisation. Harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology, energy healing crystals, and intuitive insights, we aim to restore your natural state of equilibrium. Our services are designed for those seeking more than just relief; they are for individuals who are ready to regain control of their well-being, achieve renewed energy, and embrace life in its fullest, most harmonious form. Say goodbye to dissonance and step into a journey of rejuvenation!